Sunday, July 31, 2011

Some Sauce to Put on Those Pizza Bones

I gave you the pizza bone recipe, but not the sauce recipe! I make Mama D's sauce because I usually make her crust and they do rather suit each other nicely. When I make a Mama D recipe, I almost always change the same things. I reduce the oil, either eliminate or dramatically cut the salt, increase the garlic, and jazz it up with something like red pepper flakes and some other spices depending on what's needed. The doctor would not like it if I used all that salt and when you cut salt you really do have to ramp up the other seasonings.

Pizza Sauce 

The nutrition facts for the sauce and for my favorite toppings can be found at Calorie Count!


1 29 oz can tomato puree
3 T olive oil
1/2 t salt
1/4 t or so of fresh cracked black pepper
1/2 t oregano
1 t or so of garlic powder
A dash or three of red pepper flakes
Often I add a small pinch or two of sugar it all depends on the acidity of the tomatoes.

Directions with cautionary notes:

Combine all ingredients in a medium pot. The seasoning amounts are the minimum, not the maximum or the precise amount needed. Start there and then tweak til it suits you. I add about twice or so what is listed. Simmer uncovered for about 30 minutes. Ok, NOT uncovered or you will get a lot of pretty red blotches all over your kitchen, so put the lid on but leave it tilted so steam escapes and stick that spoon in and stir fast when you stir - a chef's apron is highly recommended or keep the stain stick handy.

Taste and adjust seasonings so that it's the way YOU like it. Ladle on a couple of pizza crusts and top with some wonderful things like basil and gorgeous hunks of fresh mozzarella. This makes more than enough sauce for 3-4 pizzas. Save your leftovers and put it on flat bread or muffins and use your toaster oven to make great individual pizzas!

Homemade pizza is the ultimate Mindful experience and well worth the effort. Enjoy!

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