The pretty flower opens at night so is pollinated by bats. Is that cool or what. According to a host of websites, the Dragon Fruit is incredibly nutritious whether eaten fresh or dried and contains significant quantities of Carotene, fiber, protein, phosphorous, along with Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C. Health claims include: regulation of blood sugars, lowering of bad cholesterol, improvement of the skin, speeds the healing of wounds, enough calcium to make a positive impact on bone health, and if consumed in sufficient quantities world peace is more than just a dream...ok, maybe I made that part up. But what else is there for this fruit to do? Ok, there one more thing, if you are one of the many who are juicer aficionados, they are supposed to be marvelous for that as they are easy to process.

Peel (make sure all skin is removed even little bits) and slice (the seeds which may or may not be present are edible too) - those are the instructions for consumption, so now all I need to do is locate a Dragon Fruit. The search begins tomorrow.
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